27 April 2010

Beauty Isn't Real

Do you remember the scene in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts and Richard Gere are lying in bed talking. He tells her “I think you are a very bright, very special woman.” And she responds, “The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?”

The same goes for compliments about beauty. In this case, he was telling her she was smart and special. But I suspect the same response would’ve come if he’d offered even a sincere compliment about her beauty. Not “Hey, you’re really hot.” But if he’d said, “You are so lovely” she probably wouldn’t have believed him.

Why? Because how people perceive your intelligence, talent, ability, and yes, appearance is not real. “Beauty” is not real.

Let me repeat that: “Beauty” is not real.

It is in your head. It is in every person’s head. It is literally, in the eye of the beholder. Well, baby, you are the beholder. So change the way you behold yourself and you will change the way you feel about your beauty. Not so easy. But so worth it in the end.

Horizon Moment: Understanding Beauty
How do you know if you’ve climbed a mountain? Not by looking ahead. You know by looking where you’ve come from and seeing the change in the horizon. These "Horizon Moment" questions help you see how far you’ve come and help you feel confident in your progress at each stage of rehab.

1. What do you believe about beauty today?
2. How would you describe your attitude about your beauty?
3. What are your concerns or fears about this process?
4. How are you excited or positive about this process?

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